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Sunday, June 20, 2010

Que Padre

My dad was very loving and involved when I was a kid. When we did wrong, instead of hitting us, he preferred the 'lecture approach'. He made sure that I understood why I was being forced to sit through his speech. He would explain the situation, tell me why it was wrong, and then ask me why I had done the wrong I had. Having to explain why I had misbehaved as a child to my grown father in front of me intently listening, was sometimes the hardest part of the 'lecture approach'. But, in retrospect, I appreciate it because it proved to me that my dad 1) was invested in helping me understand how things worked in the world based on my actions and 2) even though I was only a child, I knew that I could critically think and gave me the space to express myself every time we interacted. These memories and lessons have proved to be priceless in my adulthood & I am extremely thankful for it. Although he never hit us (maybe my lil sis once, because she was a terror) we still knew not to disrespect him and to be fearful when mom said "just wait till your dad get's home". Still, everything he did and said was in love & he is still the same dad we can approach to help smooth out the hard edges.

I know that not everyone has had the same lucky experience as me and my sisters- that some kids had to grow up without the male energy helping mold them - so I must use this Fathers Day as a chance to say a few different thank you's too:
Thank you to the fathers that have passed on, but have left behind great memories for those that knew them.
Thank you to the mom's & other extended family that played dad when a real dad was not around.
Thank you to the soon to be dads- Children are an extension of you. - you will soon have a fresh start to build up your kids, and thus, your self.
& last, Our DH Streets would like to send a big abrazo and smile to all the dads celebrating with their families today! Have a great one!!
Another great Fathers Day blog ---> here.

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